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Experience Egypt – Splendor of Ancient Egypt

Available: 40 seats
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+20 106 188 4821


4 Hours
Availability : Jan 16’ - Dec 16’
white desert
white desert
Min Age : 12+
Max People : 40

Experience Egypt throughout history, Egypt’s cultural wonders have attracted many famous archaeologists, travelers, and treasure hunters, from the famous sites of Luxor and Aswan to the mighty architectural feats of Cairo. A cultural trip to Egypt is shaped by its glorious past; you will obviously learn all about the Pharaohs and marvel at the Great Pyramids of Giza & less frequented visited but very interesting Sakkara Pyramids, then cruising along the Nile in one of our spectacular five-star cruise boats, exploring the less visited temples of Upper Egypt by visiting Danderah & Abydos temples and private trip to Abu Simbel temples. You will be accompanied by a qualified Egyptologist this expert is the key to bringing the ancient world back to life. This is one of the best of Egypt cultural trip Contact us today and get a free and fast quote. Best Price Guarantee.

Departure & Return Location

Your Hotel

Price Includes

  • 3- Nights at 5 stars Hotel in Cairo B&B
  • Accommodation for 2-nights in Luxor B&B
  • Accommodation for 1-night in Aswan B&B
  • Accommodation for 1-night on sleeper train HB.
  • Domestic Flight from Aswan to Cairo
  • Transportation in a private A/C Vehicle
  • Qualified Egyptologist – Any Language
  • Meals as Mentioned in the itinerary

Price Excludes

  • Gratuities (recommended)
  • Any extras not mentioned

Day 1Welcome to the Land of Civilization

Upon arrival our assistance will meet and assist you to finish all formalities then you will be transferred to your hotel, overnight at hotel in Cairo.
This Trip is every day; Changes may occur to Suite your Arrival Dates.

Day 2:Discover the Great Pyramids of Giza & Sakkara & memphis

Today start your epic day by visiting the Giza Plateau, site of the great Pyramids of Giza Cheops Mycerinus and Chephren Built in the Fourth Dynasty (approximately 2690 BC), it is the only survivor of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Revel in the opportunity to enter the interior of one of these legendary structures, and marvel at the massive stones used to construct them (Extra ticket) then view the Great Sphinx backdropped by the pyramids, a setting that has captured the imaginations of adventurers for centuries. After that have your lunch at local restaurant then Visit Sakkara, located only 27 km southwest away from Cairo. Visit the Step Pyramid at Sakkara (Built for king Zoser), it is considered an important part in the process of the pyramid evolution, which were made from the simple mastaba to its widely known form the Pyramidal shape, this pyramid is considered the first stone construction ever built by the genius Vizir Imhotep. After that Visit Memphis City, the ancient capital of Egypt, where the colossal statue of Ramses II and the great Alabaster Sphinx are. This city dates back to 3100 B.C. see the great statue of King Ramses II the biggest man-made statue made for a king and also visit the Alabaster Statue of Queen Hatshepsut, after that back to your hotel. Overnight.

Day 3:Exploring Cairo Egyption Musum & old Cairo

A new day for your tour in Egypt visiting the most interesting Egyptian Museum, which features artefacts from the Pharaonic period. The museum displays a rare collection of 5000 years of art which is considered the largest most precious collection of Egyptian art in the world. Over 120,000 overwhelming artefacts are presented, gold and jewelry which was enclosed in his tomb for over 3,500 years before it was discovered in the 1920s when his tomb was excavated. After your tour at the Museum, you have your lunch then move to the Coptic Cairo or as Egyptian call it (Old Cairo) contained within the boundaries of the Roman fortress of Babylon is where the Copts built their churches for protection. For three hundred years, from the conversion of the Emperor Constantine until the arrival of Islam, Egypt was a Christian nation, and the Coptic church is one of the oldest communions as well as the church that really pioneered austere monasticism in the remote desert. There are still tens of thousands of Copts in Egypt, many of whom live in Old Cairo. Their most famous church is that of El Muallaqa, the Hanging Church, built over one of the gateways into the old fortress, its nave suspended above the passageway. Also in Old Cairo the saints Sergius church that have The Crypt where the Holy Family took shelter during their flee to Egypt, also there is the synagogue of Ben Ezra. (Under restoration) Once home to many Jewish families, few now remain scattered throughout Cairo. There has been a religious building on this site (initially a church, then a synagogue) since at least the 4th century, and the present synagogue houses a Torah on gazelle skin that dates to the 5th century BC. This whole area is a world-famous destination for Pilgrims, End your day by visiting the old Bazaar of Cairo, Khan el-Khalili is a major souk in the historic center of Islamic Cairo. The Bazaar district is one of Cairo’s main attractions for tourists and Egyptians alike, then back to your hotel in Cairo .Overnight

Day 4:Mummification & luxor Musuem with Luxour sightseeing

After breakfast at your hotel in Cairo and according to your flight time to Luxor, Look at Egypt tours’ representative will escort you to the airport to fly to Luxor( 1-hour Flight) upon arrival your expert Egyptologist guide will be waiting for you to start your journey exploring the treasures and wonders of the ancient Thebes, Luxor the biggest open-air museum in the World start your tour by visiting the great complex of Karnak, bold, massive and hugely ambitious, Luxor’s mammoth Temple of Karnak is one of Ancient Egypt’s grandest building projects. Every pharaoh ( ancient Kings) worth their salt added and amended the buildings here during their reign, stamping their seal on the kingdom’s most revered religious sanctuary. For Karnak was the house of the gods, and its glories were to be feted by all, see the temple’s walls, obelisks, a sacred lake, etc then move to Luxor temple, The temple was built by Amenhotep III (1390-52 BC) but completed by Tutankhamun (1336-27 BC) and Horemheb (1323-1295 BC) and then added to by Rameses II (1279-13 BC). Toward the rear is a granite shrine dedicated to Alexander the Great (332-305 BC) and the temple was dedicated for God Amun the main God of the Empire at this time. After that have some rest and enjoy your lunch at a traditional restaurant then check in your hotel, afternoon visit the museum of mummification that presents the ancient Egyptian art of mummification and displays related artifacts and mummies. Here you will learn about the mummification techniques specialized to embalm many animal species, such as crocodiles, cats, and fish. Mummified animals are unique to the collection of this museum after that move to the Luxor museum that displays the exquisite finds that reflect the luxury of Thebes during the New Kingdom. The artifacts displayed to focus on the ancient Egyptian beliefs and military glory during the “the Golden Age of the Empire” in Egypt after this so much history back to your hotel. overnight at Luxor.

Day 5;The Famous Anceint Egypt – Dendera Temple & Abydos Temple

After Breakfast at your hotel, you will check-out and our team will take of your Luggage then with your private guide head to Dendera about 60 KM away from Luxor.
IF YOU’VE HEARD ABOUT THE Dendera Light Bulb and want to see the famed relief up close and personal, you will have to visit the underground crypt of Hathor Temple at the Dendera Temple Complex in Qena, Egypt. If you’re looking for a jaw-dropping experience, the beautifully intricate, 2,000-year-old temple is not to be missed.
The Temple of Hathor is one of the most well-preserved temples in all of Egypt. There are three temples to view in the complex: the birthing temple at the front, the temple of Isis behind the main temple, and the main temple dedicated to Hathor.
Hathor is the Egyptian sky goddess of sexual love, fertility, music, and dancing. It is also said she is the goddess of birth and motherhood. She is often depicted as the counterpart of Horus. In fact, Hathor translates to “House of Horus.” Enjoy unique scenes and inscriptions and the famous Zodiac and star signs on the ceiling of the temple and the most famous Cleopatra and her son Caesarion relief it is the only relief for the famous Queen Cleopatra VII after that head to Abydos you will have lunch at a traditional restaurant, then enjoy the visit to Abydos the holy city of the ancient Egyptians, in the worship of the Osiris cult Abydos was one of the major pilgrimage sites of Egypt. A pilgrimage every Egyptian hoped to accomplish once in his/her life. It was the wish of many ancient Egyptians to be buried in Abydos in order to be near their God Osiris the landmark of this ancient city is the temple of Sety I and Ramses II exude a rich history. From a historical perspective, this makes a visit to Abydos a valuable experience.
The temple of Seti I (c. 1290 – 1279 BC) is a spectacular example of the royal interest in Abydos generated by Osiris presence there, but it also has an unusual human interest. Although like other pharaoh’s Seti has numerous temples built throughout Egypt, according to surviving texts his greatest affection was for his Abydos temple. It was set ‘ in the province which he loved, his heart’s desire ever since he had been on Earth, the sacred soil of Wennefir (Osiris)
The Seti I Temple is not just an ordinary temple. It is the temple of healing in Egypt, it can be seen as the most important Temple of the whole of ancient Egypt. Pharaoh Sety built it for a special reason. He knew that the energies of Abydos could heal the suffering of the souls. Therefore, the Seti Temple can be seen as a healing temple. It’s built to bring back the balance inside the hearts of the visitors. Many visitors already have experienced this while visiting the Sety I Temple. the temple built of limestone and laid out on three levels; Abydos’ Temple of Seti I is unusual in many respects from other Egyptian temples. There are no fewer than seven sanctuaries in the inner temple here honoring Osiris, Isis, Horus, Ptah, Re-Harakhte, Amun, and the deified Pharaoh Seti I, enjoy taking a lovely photo then back to Luxor to Embark on your Nile cruise. Dinner on board. Overnight.

Day 6:Valley of the Kings & temple of Hatshpsut & memnon statues

After breakfast on board, you will start your tour to the west bank of Luxor start with the Valley of the Kings (KV) ever since Howard Carter opened up King Tutankhamun’s tomb to reveal the treasures of the boy king, the Valley of the Kings has captured the imaginations of travelers. The vividly painted tombs of Thebes’ pharaohs allow visitors a glimpse at the burial rites and death rituals of Ancient Egypt, and today remain Luxor’s West Bank’s greatest and most popular attraction. There you will have the opportunity to visit 3 tombs there are more than 64 tombs are found in the Valley of the Kings and still waiting for more discoveries, after that the second tour in the West Bank will be to the temple of Queen Hatshepsut that located beneath massive cliffs near the west bank of the Nile, the Mortuary Temple Hatshepsut, also known as Deir el Bahri, is dedicated to Amon-Ra, the sun god. Designed by an architect named Senemut, the temple is unique because it was designed like classical architecture. Note the lengthy, colonnaded terrace some of which is 97 ft high, pylons, courts, and hypostyle hall. Inside you’ll see the sun court, chapel, and sanctuary. Temple reliefs depict the tale of the divine birth of Queen Hatshepsut and trade expeditions to the Land of Punt (a reference to modern Somalia ) one of the rare reliefs in the Egyptian temples after that have some rest at the Alabaster factory to see the work of the grandsons of the ancient workers and you can get some as souvenirs after that move to the famous gigantic statues known as the Colossi of Memnon. Carved out of hard yellowish-brown sandstone quarried in the hills above Edfu, they represent Amenophis III seated on a cube-shaped throne, and once stood guard at the entrance to the king’s temple, of which only scanty traces are left. In Roman Imperial times they were taken for statues of Memnon, son of Eos and Tithonus, who was killed by Achilles during the Trojan War, stop for a photo then back to your Nile cruise for lunch and start sailing towards Edfu. Enjoy lovely time on the sundeck your dinner will be on board.

Day 7:Exploring the temple of Edfo & Kom Ombo

Your Nile cruise will reach the city of Edfu once cruise anchor at the bank of the Nile your horse carriage will be waiting to visit the magnificent Temple of Horus or the temple of Edfu. Edfu’s temple is one of the Ptolemy Dynasty’s most impressive feats of construction and due to its youth – built in the 2nd Century BC – it’s also one of Egypt’s best-preserved temples. Here, the looming sandstone walls are covered in giant hieroglyphics and dazzling friezes that ape the patriotic decorations of earlier pharaohs. Within its vast chambers, strolling under colossal gateways and wandering ant-like through its hallways that seem to be have been created for giants, you really get a feel for the all-encompassing power of Egypt’s rulers, enjoy your visit then back to your Nile cruise continue sailing towards the city of Kom Ombo. Enjoy your stay on your cruise have lunch and enjoy teatime on the sundeck until you reach Kom Ombo, If you approach from the river, the soaring columns of the Great Temple of Kom Ombo rising dramatically above the Nile’s bank are one of Egypt’s iconic views. Today Kom Ombo, maybe a sleepy agricultural backwater surrounded by sugar cane fields, but this unique temple dedicated to the gods Sobek and Haroeris is a reminder of this area’s importance in Ancient Egypt due to its prime position along the Nile. Stroll through the temple’s colonnades, gazing up at scenes of pharaonic propaganda, and you’ll capture the ambience of this glorious history for yourself. visit the museum of the crocodiles’ mummies back to your cruise dinner will be on board.

Day 8:Aswan sightseeing Phila Temple & Abu Simble Temple

After your breakfast at your Nile cruise, Prepare to be blown away by the magnificence of these two temples with your guide and your private vehicle ( 3 Hours driving) to Abu Simbel temples These two temples are undisputedly one of the world’s most breathtaking monuments, and Egypt’s second most visited touristic site, the Pyramids of Giza being on the top of the list. The relocation of the temples was a historic event in the 1960’s. At that time, the temples were threatened by submersion in Lake Nasser when the High Dam was constructed. The Egyptian government with the support of UNESCO launched a worldwide appeal to save these colossal landmarks. They were successfully dismantled and relocated to a spot 60 meters above the cliff where they had been initially built. The more famous of the two temples is dedicated to Ramses II and the smaller one to his favorite wife Queen Nefertari. They were both built by Ramses II in the 13th century BC. The gigantic facade of Ramses II temple represents four colossal, seated figures of Ramses. The facade is 119 feet wide, 100 feet high, and the statues are each 67 feet high. The facade door leads to the interior of the temple is a 185 feet long man-made rock cave that leads to a series of halls and rooms. The most remarkable feature of the temple of Abu-Simbel is that the construction is oriented in a way that twice a year, the morning sun rays shine through the length of the inner temple cave and illuminate the statues of the four gods seated at the end of the cave. After this visit back to Aswan has your lunch at your cruise then visit another landmark the temple of Philae that dedicated to the goddess Isis, known as the Mother Goddess, the temple of Philae is located in a beautiful setting, landscaped to match the original site of the temple when it was relocated by UNESCO after the building of the Aswan Dam threatened the site. The temple has several shrines and sanctuaries after that back to your cruise enjoy dinner on board, overnight on board.

Day 9:Flight back from Aswan to Cairo

After breakfast on your cruise on the cruise check out and fly back to Cairo.Upon arrival to Cairo you will be transferred to your hotel for relaxing in Cairo.

Day 10:Good Bye Egypt

After breakfast our representative will escort you to the airport for final departure according to your flight time.
